
We are proud that we are one of the first who has implemented this service for the doctors. Not a lot of companies offer to call and keep following up with you patients to collect their balances. At RCM we have a dedicated team who work hand in hand with you and call the list of patients who have balances every month letting them know that a statement is sent and collect the payments for you.

We know that a higher patient AR might be devastating for the practice. Unlike other companies we don’t throw the ball in your court saying you have to deal with your patients to collect the outstanding. We understand the fact that many offices are busy from the minute they start until they close for the day and hardly have any time to follow-up on the patients who owe you. Hence, our team would help you at their best in collecting these monies and keep you practice healthy.

This also saves you a lot of money as at the end of the day as you need not engage an agency to collect this, paying 30% or 40 % to them. We are always at our best in minimizing this situation and getting you paid for the services you rendered.